Text Box: Birthmothers of Canada


The sites listed are not necessarily endorsed by or affiliated with Birthmothers of Canada.  Adoption issues have been clouded in secrecy for so long that we consider access to ideas and information absolutely imperative in coming to a real understanding of the issues.  We want to build bridges of love and understanding within the adoption community and regret any personal difficulties that may arise as a result of the information available through the following adoption links that we have provided.

Adoption has not been especially loving and respectful of birthmothers.  How can we change this?  If birthmothers grief can be acknowledged and birthmothers can finally be accepted into the lives of the families they helped create then the purpose and existence of the following informative links to progress and change will not be lost.

Adoption Quarterly - Innovations in community and clinical practice, theory, and research

American Association of Open Adoption Agencies - Non-profit Adoption Agencies
Committed To Adoption Services Of The Highest Quality

Anne Babb - Adoptive parents:  Fables, Facts and Fears

Birthmother Research Project - The Trauma of Relinquishment (1965-1972)

Bastard Quarterly - Informative, irreverent and inspiring newsletter. Dedicated to the full spectrum of the adoptee experience.

Carlini Institute - Courses in Grief and Loss and Post Adoption Counselling

Census 2000 Special Reports - Adopted Children and Step Children - USA

Charlene Miall - Social Support for Adoption in Canada 2000

Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute - American Public Opinion 2002 National Survey

Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute - Public Policy, Professional Education, Research Resources

Evelyn Robinson - Adoption and Loss - The Hidden Grief

Michelene K. Davidson - Healing the Birthmother’s Silent Sorrow

Openadopt.org :    Myths and Facts about Adoption
Resources               - Emotional Intelligence in Children of Open Adoption
                                                                    - Open Adoption:  An Alternate Path

Origins - Adoption Australia - Supporting people separated by adoption

P.A.C.E.S - Post-Adoption Centre for Education and Support

To contact us by web or mail:

Birthmothers of Canada
36 Littlefield Crescent
Kitchener, Ontario
N2E 2M5

E-mail:  info@birthmothersofcanada.org